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Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

 Hello, my name is A. Alfian Azhar Ali, but my friend call me Alfian. I am from the 9c class in SMP Negeri 1 Sidayu, I am 15 years old, my home address in the Village Kauman, Sidayu, Gresik, my hobby is reading comic books, fishing with friends, staying up while the TV, and also iam a gamer. The name of my mother and my father is Fanana Firdausi and Ali Ariddlo. My father worked as private employees. Meanwhile, my mother a teacher.


I have a height +- 175 cm and weight 55 kg. My hair is like a sea with black hair, brown skin, round eyes like ping pong balls, I got a sharp nose, thin lips, and my body muscular.

My experience when I was go to  lake with my friend his name is Iwan.

After 1 hour's i want to catch a fish the fish name is "Gatul", i take a glass aqua.
after that i take position, but aftef that Iwan dropped me, that was very scary but iwan help me, fyuhhhh hahahahahahahaha. well that my identity thank's for read it ... ^_^

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